What is Age related Macular degeneration(ARMD)?
Affects people usually over 60 years of age and is a leading cause of blindness in elderly people
Wet Type (choroidal Neovascular Membrane)
- This occurs in 10-15% of patients with ARMD but the loss of vision is more profound and may also be sudden sometimes.
- This occurs due to formation of a membrane or layer of new blood vessels called Choroidal
neovascular membrane (CNVM) which occurs beneath the retina. These new blood vessels can leak blood or fluid that leads to loss of vision and distortion.
- What are the investigations for ARMD ? FFA and OCT
Can Wet AMD be treated?
Treatment initiated at the earliest stabilizes the vision. Various modes of treatment include:
- Laser photocoagulation
- Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
- Intravitreal injection of Anti-VEGF drugs( Lucentis or Macugen or Avastin)
- Combination therapy or mono therapy will be decided by the retinal specialist.
- Usually a Combination therapy of any two of the above is done.